Bauhaus Weavers

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Central Virginia, United States
Weaver, Jewelry Maker, Seeker

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Thursday, October 21, 2010


Suddenly lots of opportunities! It's exciting and scary too.

Over time I've worked on a new approach to opportunities. They come along and it's easy to want them too much. To think that getting in the gallery or show will 'save' me in some way. So I find it better to be more even about them. If I get in the new gallery...or the show...wonderful. If I don't get in...okay...yes, some disappointement but another opportunity will come along. I can try again another time.

The other fear is an inventory...or how am I going to get that much work together fear.

In the past I've had a tendency to think I needed to give a gallery a huge collection but I realize that often 6 pieces can be enough to get started. Therefore I've managed to talk myself down from my fear about that.
Another thing is that I no longer want to feel pressure or pushed. I don't seem to handle anxiety well anymore and I like a gentle pace to my day. So I've decided that I can have that gentle pace and I will just do the best I can and I can still take on new opportunities.

So let me tell you a little about some of the recent excitement! It all makes me feel that the economy must be turning around.

My first recent opportunity was the Blue Ridge Fiber Show in Asheville NC at the North Carolina Arboretum. To get in the show I just needed to send in my application along with $30. to show two pieces. Nice. Easy, I like! So I submitted my two pieces to the show and then found out that I could send items for one of the Arboretum gift shops if I wanted. Yes, I did!

Next up was a chance to get my work into a gallery sales space at the new art center in Arlington, VA called Artisphere. For this one I had to send in an application along with a CD of images of my work. Luckily My work was accepted! YAY! Artisphere sounds like a fantastic space and I'm excited that my work is in the ACV Gallery there.

Finally I have two possible opportunities to place my work in Richmond VA.
This is where suddenly I felt overwhelmed and scared. Things almost happening too fast. Most of my inventory is out and what I'm working on is for Lynne Goldman Studios. Which, by the way, is another wonderful space that I'm excited about.

1 comment:

  1. Jan, I'm just catching up with your recent blog posts. This is all wonderful news!
